May Trivia Night Highlights

Thanks To All Attendees
For A Great Evening!

Thanks To All Attendees For A Great Evening!

We are thrilled to share the fantastic success of the LDAWC’s Trivia Night held at the Italian Canadian Club! The event was a remarkable evening filled with excitement, laughter, and community spirit. We had an amazing turnout, selling out tickets, and raffled/auctioned off wonderful prizes. Your enthusiasm and generosity made this night truly memorable, and we couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you for making this event such a triumph!

Together We Surpassed Our Goal And Raised Over $12,500!

Thanks to many donations and the numerous evening activities in addition to a great trivia competition, including several prize raffles, a 50/50 draw, and silent auction, we were able to blow away our fundraising goal of $5,000.

Tickets Sold

14 Raffle
Prize winners

50/50 Draw

15 Silent Auction Items

Together We Surpassed Our Goal And Raised Over $12,500!

Thanks to many donations and the numerous evening activities in addition to a great trivia competition, including several prize raffles, a 50/50 draw, and silent auction, we were able to blow away our fundraising goal of $5,000.

Congratulations To The John F Ross Teachers!

The LDAWC Trivia Night Champions!

Some Of Our Lucky Raffle Winners....

Some Of Our Lucky Raffle Winners....

Thank You To All Of Our Donors, Sponsors, Hosts, And Volunteers For Your Contributions!

We would like to express our deepest gratitude to all our sponsors and donors who made the raffle and silent auction possible. Your generous contributions provided us with an array of fantastic prizes in support of our mission; and your support is instrumental in helping us raise the funds needed to continue said mission. A thank you to John and Lisa Sanvido and the Italian Canadian Club for providing the event venue, and Jeff & Miranda for being fantastic Trivia Night hosts. Lastly, to our volunteers Maddie, Alex, Evie, Colin and Regan, our event thrived because of your unwavering support and passion. Our volunteers are the backbone of the LDAWC, and we are deeply grateful for each and every one of you.

We are honoured to have such a committed and generous group of partners who share our vision and help us make a difference in the community.

And A Special Thanks To...

Mark Your Calendars For Trivia Night 2025!

Given the incredible success and positive feedback from this year’s Trivia Night, we are excited to announce that we plan to make this an annual event! Mark your calendars for next year, as we look forward to bringing you another evening of fun, friendly competition, and community spirit. Your continued support and participation will help us make each year even better than the last.